Seasons Skin Guide

The XM1014 Seasons is a skin, with 4 different fade patterns: Autumn Fade, Average Fade, Full Fade and Spectrum Fade.

Autumn Fade

The Autumn Fade is the ugliest and therefore the cheapest one. It only has black, grey, red and orange leaves. This pattern is not very colorful and that’s why no one wants to have this pattern on the XM1014 | Seasons. It has black, brown, red, orange and yellow leaves on it, the gun barrel is covered with brown leaves. Below you can see an example of an Autumn Fade:

Average Fade

The Average Fade is the most common pattern for the XM1014 | Seasons and therefore this one is worth market price. It is not as colorful as the Full Fade and not as colorful as the Spectrum Fade, but it’s more colorful than the Autumn Fade. It has black, brown, red, orange, yellow and some lime-green leaves on it, the gun barrel is covered with orange leaves. Below you can see an example of an Average Fade:

Full Fade

The Full Fade is second best pattern for the XM1014 | Seasons and therefore more expensive than market price (it is worth around 120% of market price). It has all possible colors except blue on it. You can see black, brown, red, orange, yellow, lime-green and green leaves on it, the gun barrel is covered with yellow leaves. Below you can see an example of a Full Fade:

Spectrum Fade

The Spectrum Fade is the rarest one and it has a blue leaf on the left top next to the handguard. Below you can see why the pattern with the blue leaf is so rare. The blue leaf only appears once on the complete texture file of the skin, that’s the reason for a probability of 2% to get one. We suggest you take around 500% of the market price as the price for your blue leaf XM1014 | Seasons. If you want to sell your Spectrum Fade Seasons, we suggest you use Opskins, Bitskins or Skinbaron. It has all possible colors on it. You can see black, brown, red, orange, yellow, lime-green, green and blue leaves on it, the gun barrel is covered with yellow leaves. Below you can see an example of a Spectrum Fade:

Texture File

Below you can see the Texture File for the XM1014 | Seasons

All Fades/Patterns

You are reading a guide about the Season skin for the XM1014.

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